SET--Cary/Sophia 300/845 bassed amps

I have read much. It seems I know even less. I have Montana EPS and never listen very loud. There are several amps in this category within my budget --under 3k. There are two of the Cary300se kr20's and others that are similar;in the adds now. What to get?? Do any of these have the hum,some 300bs have?? I'd appreciate any guidance you all might have. Thanks,George

Showing 1 response by twl

Avguygeorge, try a David Berning Siegfried ZOTL Single-ended 300B or 811 amp.

It will really do what the Lowthers are looking for. Probably about $4500-$5k used, but worth every penny of it.

It eliminates all the output transformer related issues, and is transparent and dynamic and extended as hell.

My custom amp is based on the Siegfried circuit design, and I use it with Lowthers. Match made in heaven.

BTW, what Lowther horns do you have?