SET amplifier recommendation

 I have been listening push-pull tube amp for a long time. Finally I'd like to try SET. Seems a lot of people moving from push-pull to SET. My budget is <$3000. Looking at Coincident Dynamo MK III 300B. As there is no dealer for Coincident, i can not try it/hear it. Anyone has this? I'd like to hear your comments. i also looked at Decware, Bottlehead, etc. It seems Dynamo is better. Line Magnetic has some interesting ones. But i am not sure the quality can match Canadian made one. 
    My main speaker is B&W 805. Listening space is less than 400 sq ft. My current push-pull setup is CJ premier 15+CJ premier 17ls2+ Audio Research VT100 MKI. Thank you.

Showing 1 response by tinear123

So I have made the entire journey across 30 years from SET to High Power and back to SET.  I do own the Coiencident Frankenstein Mk-II's and must concur with those above regarding the poor match to the B&W 805's which I use in a separate surround system driven with significant power.  

I recommend that you determine the sound priorities your are looking for and start matching from there.  In the world of SET the speaker options are somewhat limited and need to match your priorities.  This does not mean limited volumes or dynamics or base extension but has to be carefully thought through to wisely use the ~8 watts available.  My fife can run me out of the house on our system listening to rock at 100db.

Do have fun with the journey!