SET amplifier recommendation

 I have been listening push-pull tube amp for a long time. Finally I'd like to try SET. Seems a lot of people moving from push-pull to SET. My budget is <$3000. Looking at Coincident Dynamo MK III 300B. As there is no dealer for Coincident, i can not try it/hear it. Anyone has this? I'd like to hear your comments. i also looked at Decware, Bottlehead, etc. It seems Dynamo is better. Line Magnetic has some interesting ones. But i am not sure the quality can match Canadian made one. 
    My main speaker is B&W 805. Listening space is less than 400 sq ft. My current push-pull setup is CJ premier 15+CJ premier 17ls2+ Audio Research VT100 MKI. Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by jdl57

I have an idea that might work, emphasis on the word might. This amp right here: is an easy to build single ended transistor kit. It sells for $327, but if I recall shipping is expensive because the case comes from Europe somewhere. It is designed by Nelson Pass, and has a true single ended sound without the impedance and damping problems a triode tube would have, but it is still only 6 watts. Although I bet this amp would drive your speakers, it would not be ideal. I agree with the consensus that different speakers would be a requirement for true single ended nirvana. The trick is; it is a few hundred bucks rather than a few thousand and it would give you a taste of what the single ended craze is about. You would have to learn to solder if you don't know how already.

After I built my first S.E.T. amp (45 tube, 2 watts per channel), I spent 20 years looking for a true full range speaker for it. I wound up building a large, make that very large (even I wouldn't have it in my living room), Altec based horn speaker with a RAAL ribbon tweeter. The system is tri-amped. I use this amp right next to my S.E.T.s ,for driving the tweeters.
@atmasphere Just out curiosity, I plugged the ACA into my 89db efficient Sound Lab electrostatics (the 805 is 88db), and my Vision Acoustics Soloist (air suspension 88db), and yes it will drive the B&Ws, and probably quite well.