SET amplifier recommendation

 I have been listening push-pull tube amp for a long time. Finally I'd like to try SET. Seems a lot of people moving from push-pull to SET. My budget is <$3000. Looking at Coincident Dynamo MK III 300B. As there is no dealer for Coincident, i can not try it/hear it. Anyone has this? I'd like to hear your comments. i also looked at Decware, Bottlehead, etc. It seems Dynamo is better. Line Magnetic has some interesting ones. But i am not sure the quality can match Canadian made one. 
    My main speaker is B&W 805. Listening space is less than 400 sq ft. My current push-pull setup is CJ premier 15+CJ premier 17ls2+ Audio Research VT100 MKI. Thank you.

Showing 4 responses by cal3713

And since some of the information is buried in the thread, here's a quick rundown:  all you do is set your volume at the max listening level you use, then play the provided -12db 120hz test tone while measuring voltage at the speaker terminals. Square that value and you’ve got the maximum watts needed. Plenty to read at the link...
@cygnus_859 If you're curious how much power your speakers are using and have (or are willing to buy) a multimeter, you can use the technique at this link to actually measure how much power you'll need..
@jdl57 A speaker change to Coincident PREs (from Coincident Super Eclipse IIIs) caused me to have to change amps from Coincident Frankenstein 300bs.  Eventually I built my own First Watt F4s and find them excellent.  I was very surprised, because I had previously demoed a Pass Labs XA25 and did not end up keeping it (although it was excellent). 

The F4s are certainly not SETs, but surprisingly, I don't really miss my Franks at all. The F4s create a ton of space and have excellent tonality.  A touch of sweetness while also being incredibly transparent.  They don't distort at all and play better at the extremes with the PREs (94db and supposedly a flat 8ohms).  Plus, as you point out, DIY does save a lot of money.  I built two monoblocks and vertically bi-amp my speakers so each driver gets its own 25 watts.  Under $1800 total cost.  I sold my Franks and upgraded tubes for around $4000.
@cygnus_859 Also, I know DIY isn't for everyone, but if it does sound at all attractive, I would just ask the community over at: which amp build would best fit your speakers.  A lot of very knowledgeable people over there (including Nelson Pass himself).  I kind of wonder whether they might recommend an amp with light feedback for your speakers...