Servo Controlled Arm

I've purchased a JVC QL-Y3F Turntable )bought originaly in 1983) with servo controlled arm. As I've been reading about tonearms and compliance it has made me curious why the servo controlled arm didn't catch on. I have a Denon DL160 cartridge and it hasn’t even considered skipping. Now that I've listened for a considerable length of time I'm curious what other people have to say.

Showing 1 response by jb0194


I, too, believe that the design and engineering of some of these old tables yielded wonderful performance that is too often dismissed by folks who've not heard them with open minds and ears. Vinyl was king during the era of their development and listeners were no less discriminating then than now. Nor were the engineers and designers less capable. Competent service shops still exist to restore many of these tables to proper function, an element (and relatively small expense) that will compromise performance if bypassed.