Servers: Are we there yet?

I was shocked to discover that my brand-new high-end server is entirely dependant on a functional wireless network. If either the Ipad or the wifi are not working, the server is rendered non-functional. I spoke to the dealer and he informed me that all the servers he carries are like that. Huh?!?

Showing 9 responses by oblgny

Hello folks....
I sold my Bluesound Vault2 with Node2 to a fellow member here (most current iterations) after growing tired of getting too damned close to my computer too often to play music.  My computer is upstairs,  my stereo is downstairs,  to run an ethernet cable approximately 100 feet was not going to happen.  To leave my computer on just to play music bothered the heck was not going to happen,  either.

The sonics of the Bluesound were appreciable,  don't mistake my displeasure with the format to cast aspersions on Bluesound.  I subscribed to Tidal as well.  It was fun trying to stump Tidal on albums that I already have...

I just today purchased a Sony Hapz1es right here on the 'Gon for far less than it's advertised all over the place - low enough to give me another go at this category.  I want simple,  and from what my research into it has thus far uncovered is that it is simple.

If not I'll dig up my 8tracks and drive off a cliff.
Hello again folks,

My new Sony Hapz1es is due to arrive on Wednesday the 10th.  I just had a discussion with one of my audio guys whom,  even though he does not sell it,  agreed with me that this is perhaps the best solution for me.  I got to listen to a slew of Bel Canto equipment while we were discussing things,  too.

Noice stuff.

I'll offer my immediate impressions as soon as I'm able.  Thanks.
Because the vault has to be connected to the Internet to play at all.  

Thats the the sole reason why I purchased the Node subsequently.  

You can disagree but you are wrong.

If the vault could connect to the internet for all the metadata and whatnot,  be unplugged,  taken downstairs and connected to my stereo system via whatever cables and played from its hard drive,  I would not have purchased the Node.

I may be looking for something that doesn't exist,  but some manufacturer out there should take note!


Perhaps I stand corrected, perhaps not.  I hope you find your's more pleasurable to use than I did.  Like I stated earlier, the sonics were quite good. Mind you, my displeasure with the medium itself is not solely brand specific - I've tried two Olives, ReQuest Audio, and the Bluesound.  Of them all the Bluesound WAS the best - recommended by people who retail it and by retailers who don't, based upon my needs. 

My last ditch attempt at having another go at this medium will be arriving this Wednesday the 10th, a Sony  HapZ1es. If this doesn't work I'm returning my high school equivalency diploma and dragging my Pioneer SX1050 receiver from the closet!

PS:. Has anyone here bought the new Auralic Aries mini?

In no way,  shape, or form did I "slam" the Bluesound Vault 2/Node 2.  Re-read my posts and see for yourself.  In fact I even stated that the sonics of the product was excellent.

When I ripped some of my library onto the Vault 2,  then took it downstairs to my stereo it would not play.  Anything.  I went back to my dealer,  explained,  and they stated to do what I wanted I would need the Node 2 as well.  So I bought it.  That worked fine,  but it was not what I wanted.

What you get with the Bluesound is definitely a very decent product.  Included in the box is a very simple set of instructions,  nothing more than your typical "start up" booklet.  Once configured,  the ripping,  (quite lengthy) the collection of metadata,  etc.,  worked as advertised/promised in the literature.  

Troubleshooting some issues such as duplicating files,  no artwork,  etc,  required login onto their site and wading through volumes of information.  Fine.  Good support.

The suggestions and help I received from fellow members here were welcome and appreciated.  However,  all I wanted to do, and all I still want to do,  is transfer my iTunes and CD collection onto a player without having connections to anything other than my preamp.  I don't listen to music on my computer, nor do I make spreadsheets on my stereo.  

When I was in high school I failed the most basic algebra course because I believed,  and still believe, that the alphabet and numbers should never be commingled.  (I eventually passed.)

Remember when there were CD players that could hold 500 discs?  And no,  I never had one...)

But THAT'S the basic concept here!


I got the Sony about a week ago and I am happy as a clam in mud.  Nice piece, easy to use,  good sonics.