Serious Classical Labels

Curious to know what classical labels have consistently high sound quality. I've had really good success with the Hansler Classic, and Dabringhaus & Grimm (D&G) labels. Any other that stand out for their production qualities?
Al and others: where can one source these labels. I'm embarrassed to admit that most I am not familiar with. Are these re-issues or just old pressings that are still being bought and sold.

By chance there is a great record shop near my house that sells good quality old vintage LPs, but I don't recall seeing the labels memtioned above.

Thanks and regards,

These are great suggestions. This would be all digital. I'm trying to make sense of unfamiliar labels through Arkiv Music. Fantastic selection, but little information about the labels. Trying to pick cds with consistently high production values, and avoid stinkers, although I suppose the odd bad one is inevitable when buying music unheard.
You don't mention if you are looking for 2 channel or multichannel or what
Type of classical music you prefer.
Pentatone is terrific for multichannel SACD. The SFS Mahler cycle is outstanding in both SACD and redbook.
Alia-Vox is another excellent label not yet mentioned.

There are several classical music magazines to check out such as Gramophone that review CDs. They also publish a yearly book. American Record Review also contains all classical reviews.
The Penguin Guides were always useful although they are no longer published. I'm sure you can find some used copies.