Separate DAC or continue using the Oppo UDP-205


  I have all my music on a hard drive in FLAC.
I am a using Sonos Connect, Optically connected to the Oppo. From the Oppo (RCA'S out) to a Primaluna Dialogue     Preamp. The Amps are 2 Primaluna HP's. Martin Logan Theos speakers. I have rolled mostly all the tubes, and absolutely love the sound. Family and friends also love the sound.

 My question is, Should I continue going through the Oppo, or should I get a separate DAC? Nothing to crazy in price.
I have seen these things go for thousands, and thats fine if you can swing it. I was thinking around a $1000.
But, would it change the sound or would it pretty much be the same? In other words, is the Oppo that good at what it does?

 Since we are always tweaking our systems to make them sound better, I thought I would ask all of you first, before calling the salesman. I also have thought about  getting a turntable. But I gave away all my albums many years ago.
Buying a turntable, buying albums, taking care of all that stuff. Not really what I had in mind. I would like to keep it fun, and simple.

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Showing 1 response by robert864

Here is what I know about Digital as heard in my own system:

The ModWright OPPO 205 sound MUCH worse than a Wadia 781i.  I had hoped to replace the Wadia to reduce the number of components in my system but CD's and SACD"s sound so much better on the Wadia even with top-notch NOS tubes in the Oppo/ModWright.

The Luxman D-06 fed by A Small Green Computer Server with 10TB SSD's, into a SONORE Optical Rendu SE sounds obviously better than the Wadia. When the Luxman was fed by a MacBook Pro, it sounded about the same as the Wadia.

The Luxman D-06 has better micro dynamics than the DCS Debussy, but is not fatiguing.  The Debussy sounded too "smoothed over."
The Schitt "Yiggy" is a good dac, but not as good as the Luxman..  A used Luxman is $2500.

The SGC server and the Sonore Optical Rendu Signature are a fabulous combination.  The total cost with all available upgrades  was about $9000 with 10 TB SSD.   They have many less expensive options.   I do not know if Aurender, Innous or Antipodes sound better, but this was a massive improvement over my MacBook Pro.