My Mac Mini => Airport Express => Benchmark DAC3 via Toslink. Airport Express is no longer available, but you might find used or refurbish one. It limits transmission to 16/44.1 You can probably find some other Airplay receivers. I’ve heard of Belkin SOUNDFORM CONNECT Airplay 2. As for Itunes - I did not like user interface. It shows icons in Smart Playlist mode for each genre, but covers part of the screen with a banner. I bought JRiver "Media Center" and it is perfect so far.
WiFi on 2.4GHz had dropouts (not enough channels) so I switched to dual ban router and used 5GHz. In my new home router is farther away and I started getting dropouts. I added TP-Link Deco XE75 Mesh router (2 pieces) and switched Mac Mini to 6GHz. Now my Main ATT router in Pass-through mode is cable connected to first XE75 that connects (6GHz) longer distance to second XE75 and then to my Mac Mini (6GHz). Mac Mini is few meters away from Airport Express (5GHz).
I use free NetSpot application to see signals on WiFi.
sending signal wireless from Mac to DAC- whats the best way ?
I have DAC that takes optical, coax , single post and USB Mini inputs, how can I send signal from Mac iTunes to the DAC? best way, not necessarily cheapest way.
Airport Extreme does not support it, Apple TV has HDMI output so I cant use it, what to do ??