
I just had an unsolicited offer to buy my CJ 350. He wanted to drive down from the East Coast and pay cash. No price was mentioned. The next day he ask and I told him $6500. I thought this was quite low but I am getting old and have moved into an apt. He was shocked and said that he had seen many for $4000 and one for $3800. Now I have been in audio since 1960 and have a good idea what things are worth. I did not believe this for a minute. Looking on the net I found only one and it was $8724. So if you don't know yourself check with the bluebook before you sell. I told him to buy one of the cheap ones he talked about. So beware of lowballs.


Showing 1 response by tom6897

Could have been a way to case your home for a future burglary. These days anything is possible! 

Just for giggles, now that you know what some informed people might pay, would you accept $4800 for the amp?