Selling on Audiogon

It appears that it has become more difficult for individuals to sell equipment on Audiogon. com. Has anyone else had that experience. PayPal requires you to set up a business and the other available option also appears difficult. Am I alone in such an experience? Any other alternative that can be suggested?

Showing 6 responses by uberwaltz

Not sure what you are driving at but as you decided to quote only HALF my post it destroys the context of how it was posted.

And yes, you do actually have NOTHING to lose, done it more than once myself.

Heres the rub with ebay auctions now though.
Say you list it with either no or low reserve and it meets said reserve but does not go to where you want it and you decide to pull auction before the end to save selling it for too little.
Well guess what?
Ebay has cottoned onto that lark and WILL still charge you 10% of whatever the auction had got to when you decided to pull the plug, trust me I learned that one the hard way!

Best option is just to let the auction run its course because sometimes all the action happens in the last few seconds anyway.
And at the end if you still did not get as much as you felt you should have just cancel the sale, this comes at no charge to you, just make up some reason or another from the options ebay gives you.
Why should someone pay you a high percentage of the price when new, when they typically don't get a warranty in doing so?
Depends on what you term "high percentage"?
Some brands definitely hold their own better, think, Bryston, McIntosh etc.
Some have long transferable warranties to boot, think Bryston.
Some people just like to save anything over new!

Its a crazy world out there for sure and trying to price right is a tough call, as you say too high and nobody responds, too low and well you end up feeling you lost out somewhat.
Good luck with your sales and house move!
Thanks uberwaltz, I am new on us audio mart, so, no buy it now, how do you sell what you have there?
Sorry I missed this.

It relies on you just placing the ad and then interested buyers reply to it direct to you and you figure it out between yourself.
No middle men apart from PayPal if you decide that route.
But if you agree a price, you can still do it the old fashioned gentlemens way with a digital handshake and have the buyer send a check and ship when it is cashed, still most people including myself use PayPal for speed and convenience.
Now you obviously CAN use the buy it now when you list but as you found out USAM then charges you 2%. Still a LOT less than Fleabay though!
Good luck.
I do not know why everyone here says us audio mart is free!, they charge 2%!, I know, just sold a cable there, how is it free?, the listing is, not when you actually sell something!
Not quite correct but also completely correct. Lol.

You ONLY pay the 2% if you add the buy it now to the listing and the buyer uses the buy it now.
That’s it so ..... DONT!

1/ Ebay, 10% fees up to a maximum of $750, wow thanks !
Pros, huge audience and exposure.
Cons, costs, stupid lowball offers, ebay sides with buyers 95% of the time no matter what the real issue is.

2/ Audiogon, 2% fees.
Pros, smaller audience but hopefully more knowledgeable and not prone as much to silly lowball offers.
Cons, smaller audience, fees based on original listing price NOT sale price.

3/ USA Audiomart, no fees up to 7 listings per month for free members.
Pros, free listings, larger audience than the Gon, semi knoledgeable.
Cons, slowest sales platform IME, still get plenty of lowball offers.

Paypal requirements and fees apply equally to all three if you use that as payment medium.