I was just talking about purchasing a money order, not shipping.
We all know each shipping company can and has damaged audio gear while in transit, however I would never, and I mean NEVER use the Post Office to ship anything that is fragile. I would ship cables, or books, or DVDs etc, but never would I send a piece of audio gear. I used to work at the Main Postal center in the town I live in and after seeing how they sort parcels you would not ship anything but mail. Note, I have also been in multiple UPS sort facilities, and they have their own issues but it nothing compared to what I saw at the post office. Never been in FedEx.
We all know each shipping company can and has damaged audio gear while in transit, however I would never, and I mean NEVER use the Post Office to ship anything that is fragile. I would ship cables, or books, or DVDs etc, but never would I send a piece of audio gear. I used to work at the Main Postal center in the town I live in and after seeing how they sort parcels you would not ship anything but mail. Note, I have also been in multiple UPS sort facilities, and they have their own issues but it nothing compared to what I saw at the post office. Never been in FedEx.