Selection of Marantz amp

I ponder between brand-new PM-KI Ruby and used PM-11S1 or PM-14S1. The only one I listened to is Ruby. Second-hand unit can bring around $2k of cash-saving.

Provided PM-11S or PM-14S1 are in a good shape, would they sound close to Ruby or they are different amps? Should I be looking for yet another option, like PM-12,13? Does used amp make sense at all ?

Would appreciate if anyone could comment... thanks a lot!
Hi Peter,

I have a PM-75 from the 90 and recently had it recap at Marantz, Costed me about 350 Euros. It was a great machine then and still sound great but by today’s standard it is missing bit.

I’ve heard some of this units at dealers but not at length to constitute a valid opinion. All units, PM-KI Ruby, PM-11 and PM-14s1 are great machines, and you will probably will not be disappointed with any of them.

Probably the PM-KI Ruby will be the one from the lot that will retain higher value  has it is a Kent Ishiwata special unit, but when you look inside and compare it to the PM-11/14S1 seems it is missing a lot of material/components. The PM-11/14S1 seems to be at different league.

Looking at internals of The PM-11 and PM-14 are similar machines but with different voicing. However the PM-11 has:
1 XLR input 
4 sets of speakers output
While the PM-14 does not have one.

I would say, on the long run the PM-11 will be a more versatile one.

Hope this help


Hi Fil, I really appreciate your reply..
Hi Fil, I really appreciate your reply. You are right that they all are absolutely great amplifiers. I bet I would not be able to tell the difference between them if tested in blind listening session. I agree, PM-11 is the most robust and versatile, indeed. At the moment I have no source with balanced output but that it is certainly a bonus.

The fact you’ve got your PM75 reconditioned by Marantz speaks all about the brand. I know that Marantz polarizes the audiophile crowd like no other brand. I am absolutely on the "love" side and admire their innovation, quality of engineering and passion.

At the moment, I am included to go with PM-KI. The main reason is that I have a chance to get it new, so I would be the first and, I hope, last owner. My dealer is far away and covid does not help, but if I get it it will be my end-game amplifier. It will replace Arcam A75 - a modest, entry-level piece. It is still good but started showing its age. So, I turned my eyes toward high-end Marantz line. This has been on my dream list for a very long time...
Thank you again and best of all to you !