Seen the news about Peachtree and Bluesound partnership?

Just read that Peachtree Audio and Bluesound have formed some kind of a new partnership. I'd assume that this will mean that future Peachtree integrated amps will come with Bluesound streaming as a part of the package. If so, and if the price is right, this could be pretty cool, I'm thinkin'.

Especially as I've been looking to set up an office system without breaking the bank.

Any thoughts about what this partnership may offer going forward?


-- Howard


Showing 1 response by braccio69

Very odd announcement> I just inquired about this (future MQA integration ) to Peachtree before my purchase of the Nova 300 last month and was told they had no plans of such. I do own and use a Node 2i along with the Nova 300. Had I known this, maybe I would have waited for the next gen to come. Maybe the way I asked <MQA> instead of specific Bluesound was the issue? Either way these two pieces of gear, for me work together flawlessly and sound great to me on both my Polk 707’s and B&W N803’s. +1 @gjrad my results also reflect this performance of the Bluesound Node 2i I have. @spatialking the history of wifi usage of these streamers have been suspect and inconsistent. Once hardwired they tend to work flawlessly.