Seeking packing tape recommendations

I aspire to pack the used gear I ship as well as or better than the original manufacture. I'm not happy with the quality of packing tape I can get at Office Depot and whatnot, even their so-called "heavy duty" flavors. It seems flimsy to me. There's a whole world of packing tapes out there (and specialty websites for just that), but I'd prefer not to buy 36 rolls at a time. But if I do have to buy that much to get the good stuff, I want to make sure I'm getting the =really good= stuff (for my application -- I'm not trying to pack a submarine, after all). If there are any packing tape connoisseurs out there, what do like and where do you get it?
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Showing 1 response by phaelon

Hi Jim,
Given your expertise and experience, is there anything else you can share with us? e.g. Preferred, cost effective shipping for heavy items(say 100 lbs.).