Seeking opinion for a super duper power cord....

to feed in my PS 300 and Wadia 860.
My considerations are:

NBS Statement
FIM Gold
Fatboy (not sure which model)

Appreciate your recomendations...........
I am in a similar boat. I am looking for new power cord for my Odyssey amp and my Rouge 99 preamp. Any recommemdations?

I've been very happy with the Shunyata power cords and would add them to your list.
Tried them all and settled on the Pure Note Epsilon power cord. Pure silver, alloy shielded. This is the first cord that really improved my system. I got rid of the noisey background and the bass and highs are much better defined. FWIW.
Gladstone, you are right, but it is incredible in a warm sounding system (tube), brings a bit of a chill to digital. Michael Fremer really liked the Fatboy in last months Stereophile if I remember correctly.