Seeking Legit Cartridge Expert?

Anyone out there have a reputable guy who knows the nuances of carts in the $2000+ range? So many opinions.....

current set up 

VPI Super Prime Scot / 10.5 arm

Hana ML

Harbeth 40.3XD 

What's going to drastically improve my sound / detail....mostly listen to Hard Rock, Zeppelin etc....




Showing 14 responses by tommypenngotti


Wow! someone who gets that and isn't flaming me for not following the herd ...rare! There's hope for mankind...thank you 



right thanks 😃 I was considering the ART9XI or ART9XA...not sure which one or if it would be better than the Hana ML , thanks! 


I had an Ortofon Quintet Blk and the stylus just unhinged and disappeared! Complete disappointment with 0 help from Ortofon so Im kinda soured with them...thanks though...


VPI offering me a trade in on my Unipivot to get a 3D Fatboy Gimbal for around $2900 …thoughts folks ? 
My thought is improved stability and absorbs vibration better , I like those angles ..




"Harbeths are fantastic speakers but if someone who was listening to a lot of hard rock asked for a speaker recommendation I would not suggest Harbeth. "

I get this all the time , I have an unusual set up . I also have (2) Emminence tour grade dual 18's w BSS crossover in the chain, it rocks , trust me ...and the clarity is unreal with he 40.3's ...🥳


yes , better was a poor choice of wording ...improvement in detail/clarity?

I've read the XA is more forgiving (make not so great sounding LPs sound better) & the XI is more detailed ...

I do have subs...dual 18’ plenty of coverage... 😃



Yes they do , Upscale offering me $800 trade on a Unami Red...big gamble , $3150 hoping it makes a dramatic difference is alot... 🤔



thanks...I've seen that hard to get a perspective from a Youtube vid on hifi...

might just grab a ART9 , they seem to have many folks enthused...but now Im contemplating replacing my tonearm, here we go , Hifi rabbit hole approaching again..



There must be something to the Gimbal , VPI now shipping all turntables with Gimbals instead of Uni Pivots...thanks