Seeking Legit Cartridge Expert?

Anyone out there have a reputable guy who knows the nuances of carts in the $2000+ range? So many opinions.....

current set up 

VPI Super Prime Scot / 10.5 arm

Hana ML

Harbeth 40.3XD 

What's going to drastically improve my sound / detail....mostly listen to Hard Rock, Zeppelin etc....




Showing 3 responses by theflattire

I have a Prime/Modwright PH9.0XT and been also thinking of my next upgrade.

Looking at:

Sumiko Starling

Used Benz Micro

Van den Hul MC1

Dynavector Karat/XX

Ortofon Cadenza blue

ART 9 or VPI Shyla

VPI also has some carts on special right now like a refurbished Shyla and some VAS stuff.

Currently using a retipped Transfiguration Spirit III, a Dynavector Karat 23, Sumiko Talisman A and an Ortofon MC30 Super.

I’d like to narrow my playing down to one cart!

Also not opposed to finding a used cart and retipping.

Good luck!

I think HW said he heard no difference between the gimbal and uni-pivot.

The difference I think is in the arm construction/thickness.

Some folks just don't get the uni-pivot.