Seeking ideas about how to improve my system

Hi all.  I recently purchased a pair of Hifiman Susvara headphones, and the experience of listening to them is absolutely sublime.  I particularly enjoyed the clarity of detail and the very realistic timbre of the instruments.  Tone, timing, and spatial representation were wonderful.   I listen primarily to jazz, classical, bluegrass, and, though much less than in the past, rock.  Favorite musicians include Chris Thile, Edgar Meyer, Brad Mehldau, Mark Knopfler, Mark O’Connor, Joshua Bell, and many cellists.  
BUT, I would like my full system to produce that kind of experience too!  I’m looking for any and all feedback as to how to tweak or upgrade my system so that I can moved towards this type of experience.  I would expect to spend up to $20K, possibly more, over the long run (meaning years), so I am expecting a process and would also like feedback as to what to do first.  My room is about 20’ x 20’ x 9’ as a very rough estimate.

my components:
Sonus Faber Sonetto V’s
2 REL Ti7’s
Lyngdorf TDAI 2170
Manley Chinook phono amp
VPI Prime Scout with upgraded platter and tonearm, on a Townshend seismic platform
Ortofon Quintet black mc cart
Modwrighted Marantz SACD player and power source
Chord DAVE DAC/amp/preamp
Aurender N100C network streamer using Qobuz
Audioquest Rocket 88 speaker cables
Shunyata power cables (a mix)with Shunyata power distributor 
Shunyata, Nordost blue heaven, and Cardas clear interconnects

My analog end became downright unimpressive after I added the DAVE and the Aurender to my digital end, but the Susvara bests it all (in SQ, I realize it is just a headphone and not a full system).

Looking forward to responses.

  • — akajek

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Showing 3 responses by jeankunin

The room is carpeted except under the speakers, the rack is off to the side, the 4 windows have large fabric shades, there is a fabric couch along the wide wall facing the speakers about 10’ in from the back wall behind it, the speakers at 5’ in from the side walls but only 1’ out from the rear wall., and there is a thick 5’ x 7’ Persian rug hanging on the wall between the speakers.
I truly appreciate the constructive responses.  I was wondering most myself about the quality of my speakers, as well as my speaker cables.  As for room treatment, I completely forgot about the ceiling.  Thank you! I will definitely  work on adding more dampening,  and on speaker placement further into the room.  Thanks tablejockey for the link.  MC I have learned tons from your many posts, look forward to them, and was hoping you’d have something valuable to say to me.  Too bad you had to sling crap at me instead, guess you still have something to prove.  I took you seriously about the Townshend podiums.  Wish you’d taken me seriously as having an important, to me, question that I apparently could have been clearer about.  GHDprentice, so many parallels between my gear and your previous gear and where we started with headphones,  thanks for spelling out where that took you in the development of your current system!  That was the process I was trying to understand, and was valuable to hear.  I’ll look those pieces up. Oldhvymec, I don’t think I got the points you were making, a bit more stream of consciousness than I could sort out, so an clarification is welcome.  Will also fiddle with my interconnects.  As for better speakers,  I’m thinking about higher end SF’s, Harbeths, maybe Focal high end some day.
Thank you all very much for your feedback.  I have a LOT to think about.  Fortunately, as you well know, the process itself is fun.  Your responses differ, but a pattern is emerging as to how I need to approach this.  I appreciate the your time and thoughtfulness, your knowledge, wisdom and experience, and your willingness to share it.