Seeking alternatives to Oppo

I am considering going with a single box player in place of my current transport/DAC. My friend loaned me his Oppo BDP 83, and after a day of listening, (I'm still evaluating it) I think that the BDP 105 might be a good alternative for my system. The thing is, I like all of the extra features, but I am most concerned with conventional CD replay, and I would like opinions any members may have about players in the same price range ($1,200.00)that you feel are as good or better than the Oppo. I was very impressed by the dynamics of the lesser BDP 83, and dynamics are one of my priorities.

Showing 2 responses by geoffkait

I have an Oppo 103, albeit a modded one with all the bells and whistles such as a bunch if WA Chips, cryo'd power cord, blah blah blah. Trust me, syrupy and rose-colored and Hi Fi it ain't.
Mapman asked,

"What makes Oppo better/more popular with audiophiles than most of the other usual contenders?"

Upgradability. Onwards and upwards.