SEEKING ADVICE: Which component would you upgrade first?

This is my first post, so take it easy on me!

I have a modest analog system and would like to get recommendations on which component you would upgrade first for the biggest impact. Please use the existing components as a gauge for my budget (+/- a few hundo).

About me: I'm music lover. I'm a musician and recording engineer. I have a decent collection of old and new records, CDs, and tapes, which I listen to regularly. I appreciate good sounding recordings and have the experience to identify good and bad, but I'm not interested in mortgaging my home to upgrade my system.



Receiver: Pioneer SX-680

Turntable: Pioneer PL-112D

Speakers: Yamaha NS-1 and Pioneer HPM-100


Showing 1 response by pinthrift

Welcome, lucasread!

Gird up your loins!  :) 

As a recording engineer, can we assume that the room interaction with your loudspeakers, positioning and a modicum of room treatments has been addressed.  If not, it's biggest bang for the buck towards your goals. Overreaching on a good loudspeaker choice can then benefit from growing the system as your budget allows.  A power efficient loudspeaker can take you down the highway.  Finding a hi-fi mentor has great value on many levels.  Go slow, friend.  I've enjoyed the ride for over 60+ years.  Onwards!

More Peace     Pin         (bold print for old eyes)