Seeking advice from Maggie owners

Hello. I have all but decided to purchase a pair of 1.6's. Before I do, I would like to hear from any of you good folks that could comment on the wisdom of this purchase as it relates to my current listening environment. My living room is 18' wide, 12' deep with an 8' ceiling. Both the ceiling, floor and back wall are concrete (high rise condo apt.). The floor is carpeted. So, my question is...
Can I realistically hope to obtain "very good" performance from these speakers in this room? If so, in what position?
Once again, any advice you can offer is greatly appreciated. Feel free to also comment on the wisdom of purchasing something you desire even if it may not be quite appropriate for your current listening environment.

Showing 1 response by john_l

Hi Don,

The magnepans will work wonderfully in your room. In fact your room is near ideal. The only catch is that you will have to bring them out into the room a bit - 3 to six feet. I have mine (which I admit are for sale) 4 feet out into my 20 x 12 room. They actually sound even better if they are brought out more. Magnepans are supposed to sound best with a brick wall behind them. If you can, I would actually put them on the long wall. Try both ways - they are light !

If you buy a set, and get a good deal you will not lose much if anything at resale time. Magnepan 1.6's are in the enviable position of selling champagne quality at a beer budget price. I've owned a couple of speakers in the last few years, most of them 4-8 times the price of the magnepans. The 1.6QR's ran with all of them. I do caution you that they are visually distracting. That is my problem with mine. Much as I like the sound, I hate having these huge black panels sitting in my room. Another thing to consider is that you will have less capital invested in magnepans, thus less lost investment income.

You do need some major juice to get a big soundstage out of these. I never realized that my 100w vt100 was underpowered with them until I put a set of 220watt (actually measure at 275w) Wolcotts tube amps on them. Completely changed the speaker. The soundstage tripled in size. The wizard of oz returns !