Second tonearm / cartridge


I have finally decided on upgrading my turntable to Kuzma stabi R with twin arm boards : one will fit my 4point11 with existing Etsuro Cobalt MC, I would like to add a second arm/ cartridge hopefully can give me a significantly different flavour to my first arm/cartridge , preferably more bloom, sweet/ warmth vocals mostly for pop/ soft rock musics. Ideally with the tube-like vocals and punch / dynamics.
My dealer suggest an SPU head, paired with Audio Creative (GrooveMaster) tone arm.

Can anyone recommend me something to fit the request ? Which SPU would you recommend ? Ortofon Royal?
thank you 🙏🏻


Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @eddiechanghk  : " preferably more bloom, sweet/ warmth vocals mostly for pop/ soft rock musics.  "

Live performance of female/male singers and with the kind of MUSIC you like just do not sounds as what you stated that is what you like.


Then you like colored MUSIC more that's what's recorded in the LP.

If you are a true MUSIC lover then you have to look to Ortofon but not the SPU line but the Windfeld or Verissimo or one by Lyra as the Etna or VDH low output Colibri not the medium/high output Stradivarius. Even the LPS by Benz Micro.


Ok, is up to you.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS.
