Seating distance to Magnepan 3.6r's?

I'm moving from my current living conditions to a new apartment. The main room (living room and listening room) is 17 feet wide by 26 feet long with 10 foot ceilings. My questions is: the Maggie's will be approximately 4 to 5 feet from the front wall, what is a proper listening distance, how far back should one's listening chair be?
Thanks for all your comments.

Showing 1 response by philjolet

I like both the Cardas and the rule of thirds (if you have room) for Maggies. Typically you would create an equilateral triangle between your chair and two speakers for a listening position.

BTW you have a near perfect room size based on a (very old) article in TAS - they mentioned 16 x 26 x 10 as perfect for hi fi in general.