Searching Virtual Systems

Hi all. I just read a thread asking for a nice system match under $2,000 or so. With over 1,500 virtual systems posted, it seemed reasonable to start a search there, right? Wrong (unless I'm missing something). Even though the folks who post their systems have put a lot of investment and thought into finding the right synergies, it's very hard to find a system that meets typical search parameters.

When people ask me to help them with systems, there are some typical things they are looking for. Price is one. Filling a certain size room with sound is another. Size of equipment is a third. Need for bass slam is a fourth.

Why not describe each system along these or other parameters so we can execute a search? Price ranges might be "under $2,500", "$2,500 to $5000" and so on -- probably breaking into $5,000 increments between $10,000 and $25,000 and then finishing with "$25,000 to $50,000" and "$50,000 and up." Current room size ranges could be something like "smaller than 150 sq ft", "150-250 sq ft" and so on. Could even do cubic feet.

I would love to search the virtual systems anytime someone asks me for some help or I'm looking for some new answers, but it's hard. What are some of the categories you think are important? Does the ability to search on those categories make sense to you? Can Audiogon do it? Is it worth asking all the existing posters to add some additional information to their virtual systems? Thanks for reading this long post ;-)

Showing 1 response by gunbei

You've got a good point. I remember seeing a roughly $2K system listed under the "all Out Assault" category. I guess it's all relative.