Searching for matching(?) Subwoofer solution

Hi folks,

I have a relatively new setup in my home office (12' x 14' with hardwood floor) and am seeking recommendations for a subwoofer solution.

Speakers: Ologe 5
Preamp:    Bryston P26 
Amp:         Forte 1A
Budget:     Flexible but just want something to provide a good match for the above components.
Music:       Mostly Classical and Jazz.  Some rock, some fusion.
Source:     Well, that's something else I am seeking advice on too and will post under the appropriate discussion topic

Problem is none of the local Hi Fi shops here in the Boston area have any experience with, let alone heard of Ologe speakers.  Couldn't get any recommendations there.

Has anyone owned or at least listened to these speakers? Or any of the other Ologe speakers?
The Ologe site ( features a subwoofer called Ologe 20 at USD $8550.  
Just wanted to look into alternatives before dropping over 8 grand on the Ologe 20.
 I am open to but don't know much about subwoofer swarms.

I am not looking for anything overkill.  Just a subwoofer solution to nicely complement my somewhat modest home office system.


Showing 11 responses by hleeid

Thanks for the great suggestions!
I like both the DBA and SVS suggestions. If I go with the SVS, I will graciously seek out your set up advice Tim.

Millercarbon - do you actually build DBAs? If so, and if I decide on a DBA I would prefer to send business your way.

Tim - Can the SVS be configured into a DBA if I purchased 2 pairs?  Or would that not be the correct approach?Also since each SVS has its own integrated amplifier, can they drive the main speakers too?

 I am still a newcomer to this hobby and am beginning to realize just how much there is to learn about these things.

I use my office set up for only music and not HT.

mijostyn -
They are sealed cabinets. Not sure about if they are dipoles. Hardwood floors. Speakers are about a foot from the walls and about 6 feet apart.
Rocket 88 speaker cables.
I am in Reading. Are you close by?

Thanks to rauliruegas for the great resource and to bdp24 on the Rythmik suggestion.

Tim and millercarbon - Thanks for your explanations. Things are starting to become more clear to me.

Looks like I still have quite a bit of (enjoyable!) homework to do before making a purchase.

Hi racamuti,

Will take a look.  I am also going to take a step back and address room concerns as indicated by tablejockey.  Perhaps move things around. Get some damping material ready, etc. before deciding on the actual subwoofers.

At this point, given the smallish room size and relatively dedicated chair (listening) position, I am leaning towards two versus four subs.

Seems like speaker placement is more important with main speakers versus subwoofers, no?

I realize the best way to determine placement is by experimentation but are there any guidelines to use as a starting point?  Don't dos? i.e.  don't place in corners or too close to walls, windows, etc?

Thanks everyone!
Apologies to all! I didn't mean to stir up so much drama!

But I sincerely appreciate so many of you responding to my query.  This is still an exciting journey for me. I have enjoyed and learned quite a lot each of your postings.

So I have decided to empty my office, place my main speakers and perhaps two woofers, experiment with placement, acoustical room treatments, etc.

Looks like my next homework assignment will be researching the various subwoofer configurations (forward firing, down firing, vented, ported, sealed, anything I missed?)   
Should I take advantage of the temporarily empty office to lay down carpeting?

I will try to "furnish around" the speakers and then experiment again.

Many thanks!!

Ok. So after researching the wonderful resources about subwoofers, I think I am beginning to understand nodes, evenness, cancellation, etc. and leaning towards going with the Swarm again.

But Swarm or DEBRA?  Not finding much info about the differences.

Anyone have experience comparing them?

Hi folks,

Still looking for comparisons between the Swarm and DEBRA systems. Couldn't find much info.  

Would one system work better than the other in a small room?

Hi Folks,

I just posted this question to James Romeyn on his website and thought I'd ask it again on this forum to seek your wisdom as well:

What is the smallest room size recommended for use with the DEBRA/SWARM systems?

Also, does ceiling height have any effect?

Ok, hearing about Duke arranging each main speaker with a sub solves the majority of my small room size issues. 

Does it matter if the woofer is layed down horizontally on the floor?
If not, a horizontally situated woofer would fit under my floor stand supprted Ologe 5 speakers. 

Leaning towards the DEBRA system since the (flatter?) profile woofers would probably take up less floor space.


Duke - are you building (or have built) a new sub array system for smaller rooms?

Ok.  After reading through these postings and researching the many resources kindly provided here, I am still a newbie but at least not a complete newbie!

The absolute best advice I got from this forum was to just go and listen to whatever you are considering.

I went to the local shops and demoed subwoofers in single and pairs (unfortunately no shop in the Boston area had a Swarm or DEBRA system set up).

In the many different sized and shaped listening rooms (and after extreme sticker shock learning how much things actually cost in these rooms!),not only did I hear the difference between single vs. paired(?) subwoofers, but actually started to better understand the more technical writings on subwoofers.

So after about an hour making the poor sales persons nervous while I kept getting up and moving one woofer here, the other there, sitting down and listening, getting up, moving subwoofers again,...the DBA system now makes sense to me on many more levels.  

Tim - I really appreciate your staying the course with this thread!  Definitely learned a lot!

So for those of you enjoying your DBA systems, any suggestions on creative speaker cable management?

Looking around my office room, I can't imagine how to route the additional cables without making a big trip hazard out of the room. 

Should cables be as short as possible yet still reach?  Or can long cables be used to route along the walls?

Should cables not be placed under carpets?

Floor suspenders for cables?


Ok. This is very helpful (and much appreciated!)!

So after deciding on a cable management solution, should the rule of thumb be to determine the longest run of cable (to reach the farthest subwoofer) and use that length for the remaining three?

Am I assuming correctly that if multiple subwoofers are used, their cable lengths should be identical, as with the main speakers?

Duke - You mentioned cables can be run under rugs. I noticed some discussion on using suspenders under speaker cables to keep them off the floor. Is this just a myth? If so, should I avoid stepping on or placing anything heavy on the carpet directly covering the cable?
You also mentioned placing a subwoofer on its side. Is there a corresponding spike/pad configuration for the subwoofer placed sideways?

Tim - In the thread you provided the link for:
Sub#1 is hooked up and placed on its back (driver facing the ceiling) at the normal listening position. Music is played that has good and repetitive bass.
Sub#2 is hooked up and placed on its back at the primary listening position. With sub 1 & 2 playing, continue walking around the edges of your room and determine again where the bass sounds best to you.

What is the reason for the (temporary?) positioning of Sub#1 and #2 facing the ceiling? Not sure I understand how/why this helps to determine woofer placement.
