sealed 3-ways

happened upon this forum recently and was mightily impressed. would like some info from all of you if possible.
i'm interested in a sealed box (ac. susp., inf. baf.) 3 way loudspeaker for my main listening room. 2 ch music/theater. i've found only 3 to check out so far: gallo ref's, atc scm35, avi trio. any others i should check out?
price <5k. thanx
Viridian, true but that "Passive radiator" is active at lower frequency's and not passive at that point. It is a very unique design with an overall "Q" of .7 A rather smart piece of engineering.
>Brian what is your budget? if you can afford go for the bigger ATC speakers, they work basically as closed box speakers, the openings do not act as your typical bass reflex, they are only there to take some pressure off the woofers.
i got SCM35s and am very pleased with them, great value, solid engineering and performance. one thing - you would need a good strong amp for them.
thanx for all the responses! a dedicated midrange unit is of primary import. sealed box prefered for integ. purposes w/sub. plus i feel the physics of sealed is appealing!
I have one grill for Alon V MKII speakers that I no longer need and want to sell if anyone is interested. Contact me.
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