Scott Nixon outboard DAC's, any good?

I've got a question for all you digital guys about a scott nixon outboard DAC. I've been fighting this what to buy upgraded cdp situation for close to a year now. I have recently been thinking of a modded Jolida by underwood wally or a consonance 2.2. However, I stumbled across a boutique builder named scott nixon who makes a tubed outboard dac. I was wondering if anyone has experience with them and can give some advice. I am thinking this may be a option and use my denon dvd 2800 as a transport.This may propve to be a good alternative to spending $2000 for a new cdp. Thanks for any advice.
The TubeDac+ @ $475.00 shipped appears to be a hell of a deal. To build on those who may respond to this thread, what transport are people using with this DAC (or what cost-effective transport would people recommend)?

Nicholas Renter
The 47 Labs Shioaraki transport is the deal to be had and it will be exemplary with the ScottDixon DAC. I am getting the Shigaraki on Monday (delays from Japan due to high demand for Shiga anything in Europe.)


PS: I bought the Bel Canto DAC-2.0 and I think I would have spent my money on the ScottDixon.
Paul, does it mean that you prefer the ScottNixon better than your DAC2? If so, why? Thanks.
Now that I think about it, I think the DAC-2.0 might have a name brand mark up. Scott dixon, selling via internet does not. I remember reading a posting, I think it might have been in AudioCircle that had a very indepth analysis of at least 3 DACs, one Bel Canto, another, a Linn CDP/DAC and the Scott Dixon. Scott Dixon, according to what I remember had some definite plusses and minuses, but considering the price=1/2 of the Bel Canto, you can eliminate the minusses. I sold my old Bel Canto DAC-1.0 and paid a good extra for the new DAC-2.0. For the best bang for the buck, the ScottDixon might trump many...some said it is a stripped down version of the 47 Labs Shigaraki DAC. Who knows?
I've the 47 Labs Shigaraki transport hooked to a Scott Nixon TUBEDAC+. This combo is sooooo smoooooth, with detail and rhythm. The Scott Nixon seems to allow dynamic nuances to really drip with emotion.