Schweikert VR4-Jr vs. Gallo Reference 3 with SA

Good Day All,

I have read a number of post with regard to these two speakers, but many are fairly old and before the Gallo's were even officially released. I am now trying to get as much input as possible on comparing these. Please not that it is between the VR4-Jr and the Gallo Reference 3 WITH THE SUBWOOFER AMP. Without considering the price difference ($4000 for VR4-Jr vs $3400 for Ref 3 and SA) and without alternative suggestions, would anyone who has been able to listen to these two please post their opinions, comments, experiences etc.

With Thanks and Regards,

Showing 2 responses by jeffreyds

I auditioned both extensively before purchase. I ended up purchasing the Gallo Ref III's. Much like you, pricing was not a factor in this choice.

It is not easy to explain the differences between these speakers. The VR4-Jr's sounded heavy and somewhat slow, but with a very smooth and full overall presentation. In comaparison, the Gallo's are very transparent, extremely fast, and also very smooth all the way through their frequency range. To me, the Gallo's sounded more lively than the VR4-Jr's.

On the high-side of the frequency response, the Gallo's have a clarity and extension that has to be heard to be believed. They do this without sounding at all bright or fatiguing. I am a big fan of electrostatic speakers, so the electrostic-like speed and clarity really drew me to the Gallo's.

I have read some read some reviews that claim the midrange on the Gallo's is somewhat lean. I have not personally experienced this, but I am using Cary 805c's to drive them. Since the Cary's are known to have a particularly lush midrange, these amps and speakers most likely balance each other nicely. I would not argue, however, that the VR4-Jr's are probably fuller sounding through the midrange.

In terms of bass, I would rate the speakers about even. The VR4-Jr's go lower than the Gallo's without the 2nd voice coil, but the VR4-Jr's bass is a little bloated for my taste. On the other hand, the Gallo's still don't quite have the tight bass that I would prefer. I plan to purchase the subwoofer amp when it is available with hopes that this will tighten things up down low.

I will comment that the Gallo's particularly excel with female vocal reproduction since you said that is important.

I am curious about what amp you plan to use with the speakers. This might make a difference. I strongly prefer the Gallo's over the VR-4Jr's when used with tube amps; however, I may have gone the other way if I had planned to use solid state.

I hope this helps,
It has been a long time since I have listened to Electrocompaniet. From what I remember, it sounds very smooth for solid state. I am sure it would make an excellent match to either speaker.

Congratulations on your choice. I'm sure you would be very pleased with either speaker, just for different reasons.

You can see nice pictures at the following links:

Keep in mind that the speakers are much smaller than they look in the pictures (just 3' tall); however, they sound much larger than they physically look. When you listen, they image so nicely that you really won't be able to pinpoint that the music is coming from the speakers at all. The music seems to just exist in space independent of the speakers.

I chose black with black base. Actually, that was the wife's choice. I got to choose the speaker, and she chose the colors that go best with our decor. Black with black blends in nicely and doesn't call a lot of attention to itself, especially with the covers installed.

Once again congratulations, and let us know how you like your choice.
