Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences


I have read a lot of threads regarding the "superiortiy" of these tonearms in the right combinations of tables and catridges. However, there doesn't seem to be a lot said about the soncic characteristics of each brand and the differences between them. I'm interested in hearing your thoughts about their strengths and weaknesses, sonci characteristics, applicability to various types of music (rock, pop, classical, large scale, small scale, etc).

Will a Schroeder deliver dynamics, punch, bass suited to Rock music? Will a Triplanar deliver natural, timbral accuracy? Are both these arms suited to the same music?

Thanks in advance,


Showing 20 responses by rwd

Hi Tbg...can you explain a bit more? Don't go with the Schroder....or do?? Sorry, it's Sunday night and my brain slows down at this time.....!
Rick (RWD)
Ahhhh!! Now this show be a good thread! I am interested in both arms. Hope we can get some expert advice. Also it would be good to compare the DPS Schroder ($3,900) vs the Tri ($3,900).
TBG....when you say it is difficult to set up the VTA on the Schroder, how do you mean? I know the Tri-Planer has easy VTA adjustments but doesn't the Reference Schroder also have easy VTA? Do you know how to set the VTA on the DPS (or Model 2)? I also believe the Tri-Planer has VTA adjustments on the fly...does the Schroder Reference do that also?
My VPI 10.5 has VTA on the fly adjustment...I was considering a VPI 12.6 with an HR-X but I read (heard)so many negatives (or non endorsements) about the arm and TT that I started to consider the Schroder and Tr-Planer.

Last question to Tgb (and all) after a Schroder is set up...not by me cause I'm all is set? Or do you need to check the settings (VTA/VTF etc) occasionally?

Rick (RWD)
Hi Thg...I live in NYC! Where is the Shindo/Garrard 301 set up? you mean the Garrard of many moons ago??
Hi Paul. Where are you going to audition the Shindo 301? Do you live in NYC? Possibly we can go together?
I assume the Garrard comes with the Ortofon arm.
Hey Dan...demo unit?? Shoot, I purchased it sound unheard!! This is mine..:))! So, I guess I can play around all I want with the tubes. The original owner (real nine 'goner) had Semins in the 6922 spot and Dynaco in the 12AX7 spot. I believe the 12AX7 is the more critical? What tubes do you use, Dan?

WoW!! Thank you Dark and Dgad!! I will definitely be attending!!
I also love to see the new Schroder. P.S. Is the SQ a new designed arm? Is it replacing the DPS or Reference?
Boy, my mouth is watering!! So many tubes and TT's and arms....all to fill my needs.
Who else will be attending? Possible we could all meet for lunch/breakfast/dinner and chat and compare ideas?

Rick (RWD)
Well it looks like we have somthing going! Dan may be off to Colorado to check out some very interesting tables (both of which I am very interested in) OR he may join us at this FAB VTV show!! Colin has a Reference on order so he is interested in this new Schroder wired arm....and Sirspeedy, yes I will call Sid and Dave. I live in Staten Island and will be happy to drive some people if that can get to me? Looks like a lot of fun!!!!

Rick (RWD)
P.S. I forgot to add the Shindo 301 Garrard that the great Tbg informed us all about. This is also very intriguing and I plan to set up a listing session with the distributor. Has anyone else heard this Table/arm set up??
Boy, what a fabulous hobby we have! Just look at this thread and the comradery that exists here!

First off, Doug, I sure would love to visit you and hear your wonderful system. You are a kind man. Let me check my free time and see where you actually are in Ct so I can carve out some time.

To you Sirspeedy, not an issue about my offer to drive. Yes I would be happy to shuffle some people around if they can get to me...(Staten Island). P.S. I also lived in the Great Kills area some years ago (before that I lived in Brooklyn). This would be wonderful if we all could meet and, Like Doug said, put faces to names. Doug, can you make it to the VTV?

Dan, you temp me to travel to Denver on your Turntable search!! Boy, what us audiophiles will do for the love of music!

As to Andrew....can you make it to NJ with all of us??? Love for you to join? And,like Dan said, we hope we did not hijack the thread. As a matter of fact let me add this thread and another one (about Scheu) really has my mind spinning. Do I go with Teres or Gilibier or the Scheu at a lower price or maybe stay with the VPI HR-X and 12.5. BUT I love the idea of one of those "intriguing" arms like the fabulous Schroder or Tr-Planer or Graham Phantom Oh madding....and I love THIS HOBBY!!!!!

Rick (RWD)
Hi Mike.....the Galibier Quattro you puchased...isn't that the middle of the line of tables? I am also very interested in the Galibier and Teres. I am leaning toward the Ref Schroder but I could be convinced to try a Tri-Planer.
Rick (RWD)
Hey Sirspeedy (love to find out what the name means...although I think I know) what a wonderful idea!!!!!! Yes I am attending and I will contact the GREAT Sid and Dave. You are all more then welcomed to come by my home to listen to my system later that night or day...if you don't mind listening to a 25 year old speakers (Infinity RS 1-B's). I will certainly provide the wine and the single malt scotch. I used to LOVE the single stuff when I participated in a nip or two. Problem was always a nip or twenty....know what I mean. So I've been "sober" for 11 years now and you know system still sounds pretty good (LOL).
My home and listening room is not too large (will hold 6-8) but if the whether is nice that night we could always go out on the deck and have a drink (soda for me) and a few laughs. You all......are wonderful. Again, Sir....GREAT idea.
And now, I will be off with my son to the movies to is "16 Blocks" or "Inside Man".
Hey, lets not all leave without some "plans"...OK? Since we seem to be in somewhat of an agreement as to the May 6-7th weekend in NJ it might be good if someone (me??) coordinates this. In other words when and where do we meet. Do we stop for breakfast or lunch together? Do we just meet at a particular time and place? So here is my suggestion if it is OK with you is my e-mail
RDAVERSA@FRAGOMEN.COM. If you are interested and would like to join us, you can e-mail me and add your suggestions. Then we could at least have some idea of who and where we will meet. Sounds like an idea?
Andrew, a quick question....did you get the arm Tri-Planer from Thom?
Hello to all!! First off, Frank, remember what you told me? Keep off the PC as much as you can. I want to make sure you are in excellent condition and are banging out thoses arms. I want you to be ready when you get my order (I am leaning toward your arm) for a Reference or DPS!!

Andrew, great talking with you yesterday. I am so happy to hear that you can hear the difference between analog and CD digital ....and with a $40.00 Grado...WOW!!!! The Tri-Planer MUST be a wonderful arm.

Mike, is the Quattro now the Gavia?? I am thinking of that TT with a Schroder (or Tri-Planer). I think it would make a good match. However, to keep things in perspective, I was leaning toward the Serac or Gavia plater and then moving up to the Stelvio later (hey Thom why all the strange names????). are most welcomed to my home with or without the Schroder. And yes, I will need help with the installation of the arm and TT. I need to find a way to get Frank Schroder to Staten Island and help us with the set up....hum.......good Italian dinner???? Hummm???of course the wine and such.

And so bad news....I am DEFINITELY going to the VTV but I need to rearrange my dates and attend on Sunday May 7th. I have to attend my brother-in-laws wedding on the 6th. Sorry if I will miss anyone going on the 6th but perhaps I could hook up with you over the phone or PC to get a run down of the highs and lows of the show. Sirspeedy, I will e-mail you off line.

Keep this going guys......Andrew's input on the Planer and Schroder are most helpful.

Now if I can manage to go with Dan and Andrew on this trip to Colorado......hum???

Rick (RWD)
Andrew, I wonder if Dan can get Thom and Chris to secure a Phantom arm also for a listen?? Boy, that would really make it easy for us. However, as Raul says (and correctly) we should bring along our cartridges as well. All though I am considering an ZYX 3 (is that the correct name and number?)???

Rick (RWD)
Dan I agree with you assertion on the Phantom. For me, a man with 10 thumbs, the ease of a Phantom (or Tri-Planer) entices me. However, there is something so mysterious about Franks arm as well. I have to see how I can clear up some work, family matters, and other things that always hang over my head!! Yeah, what an experience this would be!!

Rick (RWD)
Hi Andrew! The system was a highly modified Infinity RS 1-B speaker system (like mine-but much more moded and fine tuned ). I suspect I cannot reveal the TT (is that right Sirspeedy?) but the arm is a VPI 12.6. As for the mods, the Infinity electronic has a complete modification. This is the one area that I am sure has the greatest impact on the speaker. Slight changes on the bass volume effected the entire audio spectrum.
Thanks Sirspeedy for the kinds words. You, Andrew and probably the rest are all correct...our hobby leads us to the delightful quest for he absolute sound.

Rick (RWD)
Thanks to you all!

Hi Sirspeedy!!! Yes I should give the great Sid all call.
In recent investigations into a new TT and arm my sights were set on the new VPI HR-X which came along with the 12.6 arm. No one, in particular, said the arm or table was or is lousy" (my goodness I own the 10.5 and find it good.) However, some 'goners here purchased the HR-X BUT installed a different arm (Graham 2.2) rather then the 12.6 which comes with it. In addition some dealers have said there are better tables out there and, more emphatically, better arms then the VPI arm.
I have been reading, like you, the interesting and intriguing story of the great Schroder arm. Also with that arm, I have been following the fine Tri-Planer arm. Add those two to the new Graham Phantom and we now have a goggle (correct word?) of arms. Too bad I (we) can't compare all four (Schroder, Tri-Planer, Graham, VPI) together. That would make my life easy.

Since I am 100% vinyl I am looking for the last(?) table and arm (read best) around. Sirspeedy, maybe, for me, it is the VPI but I doubt it. I suspect the Schroder (Tri-Planer, Graham) may be better. Don't know but many out there think so. If so, this new arm should sit on a better TT then my Aries (original). Don't you agree???

So I will continue to look and search and hopefully fine the correct match. don't always go with the latest and expect it to be the best.
I recently purchased a new Aesthetix Calypso Per-amp to replace my ARC LS25 MK1 and go with me Rhea phono amp. Boy, am I surprised!!! The ARC is giving the Calypso a run (really) for it's money!!!!! So, new (or what's in now) is not always the best!!

P.S. Aren't you also in the same club as Sid and David??

Doug....your comments are always so helpful and insightful. Thanks also to you Tbg.
What a wonderful hobby we have!!! Yesterday, I spent 4 hours with 3 friends (two of which I just met in person) indulging ourselves in wonderful music, fantastic sounds and equipment, and spirted discussions about this great hobby of ours.
I wanted to post this comment on this thread for a few reasons. First because I feel we have established a nice group here with not only a common goal, but also a we have found the ability to share our comments in a constructive, educational and common grammar. Andrew started it off with his question.....which arm is better? Wow....look where it took of to...!!! Now there is (at least one) a group (hopefully me as well) willing to travel to Colorado to search for that higher absolute sound. The quest for a new turntable and arm leads us to other things as well. Yesterday , my time with the "great" Sirspeedy (great, great person and wonderful sense of articulating his impressions of sounds), Ed ( who did a good amount of serious listening (not much talking) and the GREAT Sid (who is not a member of our group here, but a wonderful person) who, indeed has one of the BEST systems I have ever heard!
My mission was to see his new turntable and arm. What I accomplished was what I said at the e beginning of this post.......we have a wonderful hobby which includes some wonderful, kind and passionate people.
Sid's new TT and arm were quite impressive......I had to re-think what I need to do. I am, in earnest, in search of upgrading my TT and arm and I have been considering a Teres or Galibier with a Schroder (probably a Reference) or Tri-Planer or Graham Phantom. So I listened yesterday and walked away a better man. Yes, my search will continue and I will be leaning towards you here for guidance and assistance. Dan will be going to hear all of the products I mentioned I was quite interested in, in Colorado in May. I believe Andrew will also be part of this mission. I hope to join them. However, I know that this is what will be the results: I will have a new TT and a new arm; I will have deepened my friendship with those around me; and, I will continue to discover new music and enjoy the pleases it gives me.

Sorry guy's and gal's if was a "wonderful day".