Schroeder versus Tri-Planar

I've got a Graham 2.2 and I love it, but I'd also love to try a truly high-quality gimbaled arm. I'm curious whether there are people who have heard the Schroeder Model 1 and the Tri-Planar Model VII. The reviews on each are superb.

However Chris Brady on the Teres site describes the Tri-Planar as a bit bright and analytical - qualities I hate in audio equipment. He also describes the Schroeder as loose in the bass - not a good thing either, though he hypothesizes that the wood arm wands might alleviate that problem.

any experiences folks? Patrick

Showing 1 response by blcube

There is something about the Basis Vector on Audiogon in discussion form,also on Audio Asylum.I`LL say this, I have the Basis Vector in my system now and it`s a (SMOKER)I have`t had a side by side test with the Graham 2.2 yet