Schnerzinger Cleaner - the dynamic bomb

I own a wilson sasha and i was using spectral amps.Then i changed to Lamm because i found them more musical. But after a while i missed the more dynamic presentation of the spectrals.
Now i found a solution in the new Schnerzinger CLEANER. This little box is a dynamic bomb. The sound with the lamms now is more dynamic as it was with the spectral and i hear much much more details with less grain. As i posted before i m using Schnerzinger cables and they are marvelous but with this Cleaner the sound of my Sashas exploded to another level. A big recommandation for a try!
Now i m thinking of buying a Maxx 3 or a Magico Q5 or an eggelston savoy, because i moved. My new room is 7x8m.
Does anybody has experiences with these speaker in combination with the lamms?


I've been using Schnerzinger Cleaner on the Speaker cable 2000 of the Audiopax Maggiore M100 amplifier for the KEF Blade 2… it's sensational!!!