Schiit vs. Mytek vs. Chord - looking for some thoughts

Looking for some thoughts on the following DACs:
1. Schiit Bifrost 2 Multibit
2. Chord Qutest
3. Mytek Brooklyn DAC+
I’m mainly interested in RedBook and DSD hi-res playback. I’m not looking for sacrifices in redbook in favor of hi-res. 
Has anyone compared any combination of these side by side? What are the sonic characteristics of each and compared to others? What DAC would you choose and why?
Thanks in advance!


Showing 2 responses by ddude003

My thoughts are you should try the Chord Qutest...  I have a Lumin U1 Mini streamer feeding a Chord Qutest to a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium PreAmp to a McIntosh MC152 SS Amp to Martin Logan ESLs...

Your Rogue RP-1 PreAmp Small Signal tubes might knock the edges off anything digital like my PreAmp does with CIFTE 12AU7s in the first gain stage...  Forget DSD and MQA...  Both are less than a perfect small signal...
It all comes down to your ears/brain, your system and your room...  Only you can decide what sounds best to you...  Give each DAC a try in your environment...

You might be interested in this review and his interviews with Rob Watts, the IP designer of the Chord DACS...