Schiit Vidar Outlaw RR2160

Getting back into vinyl so I dusted off my old Kenwood KA 701, JBL 110's and a Technics SLQ3.  They were all purchased in the late 70's and I am ready to start my upgrade process. Don't have a big budget compared to many on this forum, however, I will share with you what I am considering.   Upgraded the Technics with a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB just recently.

y my choice of amplifiers in the topic heading, you can tell my budget is apx $700-800 for an amp. Why the Outlaw? Good reviews with the added bonus of a receiver. Planning to add at the same time a Schiit Freya pre-amp and a pair of Tekton Lores ($1000) for speakers.  So you can see my total budget is only 2400 for pre-amp, amp and speakers.  

If it helps I listen to female vocalists, classic rock, soundtracks and musicals.

Looking for feedback on my choice of equipment.  Thanks

Showing 2 responses by rochard

Enjoy the journey John.

I own the Outlaw rr-2160 a can tell you that I'm happy with its performance.
I paid $799.00 for it a couple of years ago and mainly listen via headphones.
I asume your going to use the Tekon speakers with an integrated amp?
If so, you don't need a pre-amp along with a integrated amp - because an integrated amp has a pre-amp and power built into one product. And usually a phono pre-amp (MM and or MC).

Are you going to be listening mainly with headphones or through the speakers? Maybe both from time to time? The reason I ask, is I found I rarely listen via my speakers and instead with my headpones. If I had to chose again, I'd buy a tubed pre-amp like a Rogue and forget about powering the speakers for now.
Having had a tubed pre-amp in the past, I can tell you that they sound more "musical" than inexpensive solid state pre-amps. You can always add a power amp latter. a Rogue integrated amp - which has a tube pre-amp and a solid state class D amp. I've heard this integrated and loved the sound. I think they are around   $1,500.00 and include  a remote, headphone jack and phono stage.

Have fun, be safe and wellcome back.

I also have a DC carbon TT with an Ortofon red mm cartridge.
It came with a felt mat which produced some static noise.
So I bought their cork mat and this eliminated the static.
I think there is a leather mat by ProJect, that also improves the sound.

When your stylus wears out you can also use to the Ortofon blue needle. It works in the Red cartridges body but cost a bit more. Never have heard it but many reviews claim it sounds better. (The Ortofon Red and Blue are the same bodies but with different shaped diamonds)

You might want to check out You Tube videos on the Carbon. I found a few videos that addressed issues with motor noise. I tried a suggestion which took some time but no $ and it did lower the motor noise.

One thing about ProJect, is they offer a lot of "upgrades" to their turntables. I guess that makes the retailers happy. LOL

Also, make sure the turntable is level. I bought a 1/2" steel ball bearing from Home Depot and placed it on the platter without the mat to see if it would roll, it did, so I leveled the table. Another upgrade that I found usefull was to plug all my components directly into the ac outlet and not into a power strip. The explanation can be found at
Yep, it improved the sound, just unplug when storms pop up.

BTW- When I heard the Rogue they were driving Magnepan speakers. The sound was clearer than any box speaker I've ever heard. Looks like a great purchase. FYI - I don't work for or get paid from any of the mentioned companies.