Schiit Vidar Outlaw RR2160

Getting back into vinyl so I dusted off my old Kenwood KA 701, JBL 110's and a Technics SLQ3.  They were all purchased in the late 70's and I am ready to start my upgrade process. Don't have a big budget compared to many on this forum, however, I will share with you what I am considering.   Upgraded the Technics with a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB just recently.

y my choice of amplifiers in the topic heading, you can tell my budget is apx $700-800 for an amp. Why the Outlaw? Good reviews with the added bonus of a receiver. Planning to add at the same time a Schiit Freya pre-amp and a pair of Tekton Lores ($1000) for speakers.  So you can see my total budget is only 2400 for pre-amp, amp and speakers.  

If it helps I listen to female vocalists, classic rock, soundtracks and musicals.

Looking for feedback on my choice of equipment.  Thanks

Showing 8 responses by johnmarzy

Rich, 1st thank you for the detailed reply.  Regarding the preamp, I just assumed a dedicated preamp was better than an integrated one.  Or maybe what your and mesch are saying is, it may be "better" but use that money for something that will give me more of a roi, as you mentioned speaker cables.  

Based on your speaker recommendations should I assume you don't like the Tektons?  Or just that you never heard them?  Does my room size or music that I prefer influence any of your speaker recommendations?

I'm excited you and mesch recommended the outlaw. It doesn't have the cool effect as separates but does do a lot.

I know the question is off topic, however, If I don't get the preamp should I take that 500 and invest in a DAC/Streaming device? My goal is to add Roon and Tidal and be able to listen to MQA files. Thanks Again.
David & Scott,
I will ask the same question I asked mesch and Rich " If I don't get the preamp should I take that 500 and invest in a DAC/Streaming device? My goal is to add Roon and Tidal and be able to listen to MQA files. Thanks Again."
Wow, what great thoughtful advise.  Here or (hear) is a confession.  Shopping for speakers is really frustrating for me.  My sound memory is short.  Show me a few speakers and they all sound great.  So I rely heavily on forums and share the music I listen to.  I haven't mentioned it yet however many time I enjoy turning the volume up, just as if I was at an actual concert.  Not sure if that comment is relevant to the speaker choices suggested already but wanted to add it.  

So I will sell my Kenwood KA701 and matching receiver, get the Outlaw and then sell the JBL 110's.  Thank you all for your gracious contributions to this thread.  I really enjoy the feedback. 

I should add that the impetus to getting back into vinyl was at the June Los Angeles audio show. They had a room that was dedicated to budget-friendly audio gear. This is where I first head the Tektons and the Magnepan .7's along with Schiit audio components. 
Well I thought I would follow up.  I eventually purchased a Rogue sphinx 1, Magnepan .7s with a dc carbon turntable.  Amazing how speaker placement affects sound