orders@schiit.com - says use it if you have questions about your order
Showing 2 responses by facten
" Now, the OP has the audacity to make more unfounded accusations about Schiit and their products. He is claiming that the Freya+ is advertised as having a feature that it does not--HT pass through " Actually, the Schitt website does state at the bottom of its Choosing Amps & Preamps page : " Home Theater Integration, $0. Okay, all you "home theater bypass" guys. All of our preamps offer true home theater bypass. Just plug in your processor’s front channels to any input, select Passive mode, and turn the volume all the way up. Presto! 1:1 home theater bypass, with only a relay in the signal path. "https://www.schiit.com/guides/choosing-amps-preamps Now whether or not the Op has hooked it up as described, or simply needs to discuss his issue directly with Schitt are entirely different issues |