Schiit Modi Multibit vs. Maverick TubeMagic D2

I've had my Maverick TubeMagic D2 DAC for at least five years and have always found it's solid state output to be indistinguishable from my Pioneer Elite PD D6 J SACD player for standard redbook CDs.  There is a clear difference between its solid state and tube outputs.  I have always preferred the detail in the solid state output to the point of not even keeping the tube output hooked up.

I have had the Schiit Modi Multibit DAC for about a week and have been focused on just listening to it and have found it enjoyable.  Today, I connected both of the Maverick DAC outputs along with the Schiit to my Pathos Classic One MkIII so that I could switch from the Schiit up to the Maverick tube and down to the Maverick solid state.

The end result is that if there's any difference between the Schiit and the Maverick tube output it is well within the working range of placebo and mind games.  There is a clear difference between the Schiit and the Maverick solid state output that I would describe as the Schiit having rolled off highs.  I have not listened extensively, but have not heard any clear differences in the sound stage.

The monkey wrench in the situation is that I recently rolled the tubes in my Pathos and have not yet truly settled into its current sound, so everything sounds a little bit different to me. 

I'll have to make a decision soon on using the 15 day money back guarantee or not.

Maybe Schiit multibit is comparable to a delta-sigma DAC with a tube stage in how it sounds.

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