Schiit Mani - Sent in for repair, no response. Looking for rec's on a replacement preamp

Hi Everybody - first time posting here.  I've run into a serious issue with Schiit.  My Mani ran into a hardware issue (dead left channel).  I mailed it to Schiit on July 3rd, they received it on the 10th and emailed me confirming they had received it and would get back to me in a few days, but to no avail.  I've emailed them a couple of times and just called their number and no response.  I'm getting the feeling I'll never receive my Mani back at this point and I'm not sure if I have any legal remedy to get them to respond (at this point, I don't understand why they didn't just send me a replacement unit). 

So I started looking for a replacement phono preamp.  I have a VPI Prime mounted with a Nagaoka MP-110. Budget is set at 500ish. Any recommendations that will wipe the floor with that piece of schiit?

Thanks in advance,



Showing 9 responses by gloco

Wow, thanks for the replies guys! 

@williewonka - I love the mani, it's a wonderful sounding unit, I have no complaints about the sound, very detailed and clean.  Bass thunders when it's supposed to and overall the sound is very cohesive and fun.  I've thought about doing a big upgrade so my wife cleared me to go for it, lol.  

@tablejockey - I'm going to look into the Manley and Simaudio units that Willie mentioned as well as a new cart that's more in league with the Prime.  

Thanks again!
Thanks for the responses again guys.  I've been googling the rec's posted here and I'm eyeing the budgie.  I love tubes, I previously owned a MG Head OTL tube headphone amp and it sounded glorious with my sennheiser HD580's.  I'll probably go for it soon ;-) and report back.  No word from Schiit - I can understand going on a vacation, but it's been a month since I shipped it out.  At this point, I don't expect to ever see my mani returned to me...and if it is, I'm selling it.
@tablejockey - I sent a note to the seller offering $1450 as you suggested :-)

Appreciate all the guidance I’m receiving (fist bumps all around)
@mulveling unfortunately, he didn't accept my offer as someone else offered him the asking price.  I'm still researching as I'm taking the advice from you and several others (spend a little more=future proof) rather than having to upgrade again down the road ;-)
No worries, @gdhal - I received an email from Schiit that my Mani was repaired and on its way back to me.  This will buy me some time to research a bit more and look for a good deal on a replacement phono preamp, while the Mani will become my back-up.  

The lack of communication did burn me on Schiit- I'm used to receiving updates as I work in the IT field and this is how we operate...we communicate to the customer and provide updates.  

Fortunately, forums such as this one are truly helpful and I appreciate all the guidance I received.  
@gdhal  - hopefully they will look into the matter and make some changes to how they interact with their customers pending a response on  a warranty repair.  It would be great if they issued case numbers with the ability to look up your case number on their website for updates and provide a realistic eta.
@mulveling  thank you!  I just found a Manley Chinook on here :-)  I sent a message to the seller regarding what else is included (ie type of tubes, packaging).  Hopefully it's still available.  Once he answers back I'll make him an offer, hopefully this time I will get it!

 After the Chinook I'll look into replacing the Nagaoka with a quality MC, the carts you mentioned are out of my budget until I'm rich, but I'll spring for a cart in the 1k region.  

Really appreciate all the guidance you and the rest of the folks on here have given me.  Kudos to all of you!