Schiit Loki equalizer causing POPPING SOUND

I cannot figure this one out. It occurs in my (R) speaker only, upon turning on the equalizer’s adjustment settings, and then again, when I shut off or turn on the Loki. Annoying and startling on my Klipsch Cornwall Heritage pair.
Any suggestion would be appreciated and thanks!



I use a couple of Lokis (Headphones mostly as the newer Max replaced one in my main rig) and a Loki Max and all are very quiet with zero noise when taking them in and out of the line, and the Lokis can even be turned off completely without a peep. The Max needs to stay on although it's out of the chain mostly...if you turn it off it cuts the signal to the amp.  I'd say the OPs Loki needs help...they'll fix it.

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Thanks. Its better. Reversing RCAs. Keeping power on vs. O-ooneris CLASS D amp, $35 on Amazon… best 80 WPC ever!