Schiit Freya+ Tube Recommendations

Hello all!...after much consideration - I've settled on a Schiit Freya+ preamplifier. Right out of the box, one tube was bad and caused some awful static in one channel. Luckily, a local friend had a good Tung-Sol tube that I could swap out with the bad one. I've contacted Schiit and am waiting to hear back about getting new tubes.

So, for now I have 3 of the stock JJ 6SN7 tubes, and one Tung-Sol.

First of all, a question for those who own these: Which pair of tubes (left or right) affects the sound more? I'm not sure I exactly understand the function of a cathode follower output stage (left) or differential voltage gain stage (right).

Secondly, my main question: What tubes sound best in the Freya+? At this point - I'm thinking Electro Harmonix or Tung-Sol. But what about NOS Westinghouse, RCA or GE?

I like very clear bass, if that changes any answers...and my speakers are Focal Aria 936


Showing 1 response by jeremya

I have a Freya+ on order and just sold my original Freya today. A friend sent me some matched NOS Canadian GE 6SN7 tubes (two pairs of matched tubes, not a matched quad) and the difference was night and day over the stock pairs of Russian 6H8C Schiit provided. Tighter low-end, better detail resolution, more holography, more natural vocals, less fatiguing... everything was better, by leaps in some cases, stepwise in others. 

One of these GE NOS tubes seems to be a little noisy though, like random bits of static that needs to be discharged periodically. Creeps up now and then, and then vanishes for a while. Be interesting to see if it's a permanent phenomenon, or if it's something the tube just has to work out for itself... or if it needs a firm tap to dislodge something that shouldn't be lodged. (hehe)

Anyway, I found a YouTube review ( ) where the creator mentions using Canadian GE tubes. I found the video after I already had these tubes in-hand, but I agree wholeheartedly that they definitely take the (original) Freya to new heights.