How are you setting up your system? I have everything side-by-side on a long, low shelf and find no inconvenience to the power switches being on the back. If you’re stacking it in a rack or a high shelf that would be a problem. I turn it off after each session.
Schiit freya preamp - any owners out there? Leave it on?
Evaluating schiit freya preamp and it seems like a good preamp.
is simply leaving it on all the time make sense as switch is in back and that is not the greatest. Mode can be changed to passive which reduces current flow to tubes so electricity use is less.
is this preamp worth buying when ht is used most of the time? Thanks
is simply leaving it on all the time make sense as switch is in back and that is not the greatest. Mode can be changed to passive which reduces current flow to tubes so electricity use is less.
is this preamp worth buying when ht is used most of the time? Thanks