Schiit Freya+(Plus)

Freya+ users:

For me, sending DAC input through tube output clearly adds warmth, bloom, punch, musicality, presence.
However, when used with analog inputs (TT, FM, cassette), the tubes (current stock JJ 6SN7 supplied with the unit) sound too lush, rather over the top, sometimes frankly bloated. I mean at equal volume (not volume SETTING).

Despite balanced output to power amp, the SS buffer stage sounds inferior to pure passive mode. So it's tubes with
DAC, passive with analog, SS buffer with nothing.

Questions: (1) does my experience sound typical?
(2) should I experiment with rolling Tung-Sols or other recommended upgrade tube?
(3) does any of this bespeak some peculiarity elsewhere in the chain?

Advance thanks for diagnoses/suggestions.

Try the blue jean ones, there a good value. I swapped out my AQ ones with lesser priced ones and I couldn't tell a difference. Many many post on cables, I wouldn't go down that road.  
I just bought some Blue Jeans RCA to XLR cables and they are nice and really economical. I would be inclined to get fully balanced XLR's from them as well unless there is a better, reasonably priced alternative. 
Just a quick question and correct me if I am wrong please as I am looking for pass through solution for a secondary system in my basement. Very few pre amps have a "pass through" function as I've noticed and money is an issue for the second system.

So when the Freya+ is switched to Passive mode that basically means its on board volume control is disabled and the volume is controlled from the source like a DAC or what ever else may be plugged into it?
Its basically like the unity Gain in my ARC-LS26?
If this is the case then there would be no issue's in using the freya as a pass through for a home theatre receiver to utilize the power amp for the 2 front L+R speakers?

No, the volume control on the Freya+ continues to work in the passive mode -- you just bypass the gain stages. Of course, the passive mode only offers unity gain. You will also lose the ability to convert single ended input into a differential output if you run it in passive.

Thanks for the reply. You answered my question.
Ill start a new thread on possible pre amps picks for my solution.