Schiit CD Transport on the way soon.

Thought this great news deserved it's own thread. As it's long awaited.
I was sent this link from Alexander of Schiit. They are under staffed at the moment he said with illness.
Schitt’s design team Dave and Ivana talk about a transport somewhere here on a live stream video a couple of weeks ago.

To show interest, kick them along a little if your waiting for it, send them an email to ask "how’s it going".
If you get get some info please post it up here, as I’m also waiting with bated breath for one to be released

Cheers George

Showing 6 responses by kacomess

My NAD CD unit expired just recently and I've been considering the Schiit player as its replacement. I wrote to the company asking for an estimated release date but I've had no reply as yet. If I get a response, I'll post it here.
And here is news as of yesterday (which I posted to another thread on this topic already):
As an update to this, my NAD transport died. I hope(d) to replace it with the long-rumored Schiit CD. So, I wrote to Schiit asking if:
1) The company is actually building this unit and,
2) Approximately when it would be released and,
3) Tom E. replied,

"Hello Keith,

Thank you for your interest. I apologize, however we are unable to discuss new products and/or upgrades/updates before release. I am sorry I couldn't be more helpful."

It's unclear to me why much more specific information was posted by Mike Moffat in April and now the company won't comment. I'm really not sure if Schiit has abandoned the CD idea or if it's had some development or performance issues. Any updates will be sincerely appreciated!
It seems the TEAC PD-H600 has been discontinued with doesn't auger well for company support, if needed.

I fear the Schiit CD may have vanished into the ether as it's been rumored to exist for a long time but yet it never appears. Supposedly, it was in beta testing a few months ago so, if that's true, maybe there were problems.

Ambiguity by the company contributes to idle speculation like I'm engaging in at the moment.

Thanks for the TEAC PD-H600 suggestion, though!
Good idea! Naive perhaps, but would some ultra-cheap CD "sled" equal the sound quality something more costly? I know this is a disputed topic (at least by manufacturers) and I admit to being swayed by clever advertising. I am open to opinions and/or suggestions!
Thanks for your comments Nonoise and docknow. I'll search for an alternative. Further suggestions welcome!
Given all the uncertainties of the Schiit player (will it appear? when? cost? reliability?) I've pretty much decided to buy the Cambridge CXC V-2. It's been around for ~5-6 years, has a good reputation for sound quality and I haven't found any online complaints about reliability.

Any opinions on reliability and experience Cambridge customer service?