Schiit amps, freya preamp

Is schiit good co for amps and preamps? Like smaller size

Showing 5 responses by mlsstl

When someone says their experience with a product has been a "nightmare", some details would be helpful. 
I have a Saga+ and Aegir amp and am very pleased with them. The Aegir is only 20 watts/channel at 8 ohms (40 @ 4) so it is not a high power amp if that’s what you need. However, I am easily powering a set of Ohm 1000s to my preferred listening level of 80 to 85 dB and it does this using about 1/4 of its rated power. (I was curious if it had enough oomph for me so have it hooked up to a meter to watch power output while I’m listening. This gives me an accurate read of my power needs. I also use a sound level meter to get a good read of my actual volume level.)

I just sold my Hypex amp with over seven times the power of the Aegir as I prefer the sound of the latter.

Now, power/volume is a logarithmic relationship so power needs skyrocket quickly if one listens at 90 dB plus levels and has medium or lower efficiency speakers. This shows it is important to have a good understanding of how one listens to music and what it takes for your equipment to deliver YOUR preferred experience.
I purchased my Saga+ and Aegir this past December and received them a week later. I've seen no indication that they are having any issues other than having sold a lot this Christmas season and now need to replenish stock. 

Heck, we ordered a new couch in October and they aren't scheduled to deliver until next month (February).  Keep in mind that Covid has screwed up various parts of the supply chain for many companies. All that it takes to delay things is for a manufacturer to have a hard time getting one or two parts out of the dozens or hundreds they use in their product. 
I've got a Saga+ and the tube on that has zero microphonics or noise. It is as quiet a preamp as I've ever had, solid state or tube. But, to each their own. 
I have an Aegir and have had zero problems with it in spite of the fact that it is lower power than recommended for my Ohm 1000 speakers. It plays as loud as I want with ample headroom and shows no sign of stress. It has never shut down on me, even when I've cranked it for "experimental purposes." I've been very pleased with the Schiit gear I've bought.