scd 777es sacd sony mod worth it?

hey. there is a gent (think he's a memeber here) who seems like a straight-up guy over the phone. he does mods for the 777es which, he says, really opens up the sound stage and mellows the highs. his name's richard and his website is

just wondering if any people have done this mod and/or have thoughts about doing it. it's pretty cheap. i like the 777es as is but who knows what i'm missing.
equipment used with it:
arc vt100mkII
arc ref1 line
space-tech phono
oracle delphi mkI tt
acoustat mod III speakers
vandersteen 2wq sub

as always, thanks in advance.

Showing 8 responses by mes

Danke, Detlof. When I get rolling, I'd do the same thing again. Hopefully Audience will have expedited the process by then. Tschub, Mark
I sent my 777es to Richard at Audience in March. Mines the first they've done (doing). They couldn't get the Sony people to give them a service manual of this unit, apparently Sony doesn't do this on new models, ergo Audience has had to trace out all the circuits on their own without the aid of the service manual. This is more than a mod, they are essentially rebuilding/replacing much of the unit where they deem necessary, including a new analog output stage. The initial estimate of around $1600 for the full monty is actually $2800, it went up after they got into the process and saw how difficult it was, particularly sans service manual. I've been told this modification/re-engineering will put this unit on par with any player out there at any price. We'll see. I hope so. It's been a loooong process, and costly. However, given what I'll have in the unit with the original price of the unit(good deal on A'gon) plus mod fees, it could still potentially be a reasonable bang for the buck if it's as good as Audience says it will be. I'll soon find out, mine is supposed (supposed) to be done any time now. If you're considering this process, you may want to wait a tad and I'll let you know what I think. Or you may have already sent yours, or you may not care what I think. Whatever, I'd be happy to relate my experience to whomever is interested. I'm hoping for the best, and will be cursing anything less.
You boys happy with your stock units or living in fear of the "placebo effect", that's cool by me. No need to justify why you would not attempt said mod on this or any other unit. Your life, your gear, do what you like, no skin off my arse. The stock units are very good, no argument from me. My posts re this matter are an attempt to inform those who have or are considering this process, not to convince anybody it should be done or needs to be done. As far as the assertion re the lack of reference point in the comparison of stock vs. modified unit, I amazingly thought of that beforehand. I have a stock 777 and SCD-1 on hand, each of which had nearly identical sonic signitures to my stock 777. I think I'll actually A/B them when is all said and done. In fact, when I do, I'm swearing off sugar pills for the duration of the audition period. I'd be happy to share my findings to those of you interested, and am interested in what fellow mod-aholics find when you get your units back. Respectfully, Mes
No Detlof, I'm in interminable wait mode. It's been "2 weeks" for the last 6. I'm hoping this week. New problems seem to come out of the void each week. When I get it I'll burn it in and A/B it with a couple of stock units I have access to, and let you know what my humble opinion is, if anyones interested. I really think it has significant potential, and possibly worth the wait. We'll see. The critical factor in my mind is that anyone can plop new parts in a given component, it's voicing it that is paramount. Given mines the first they've done, those that follow, such as yours, may actually have a better shot at the target having benefitted from the trails and tribulations of the harbinger unit.Mark
Richard from Audience just called me, my 777 mod is done and I should get it back Fri. He says it's great. Of course. I'll burn it in and A/B it with a couple of stock units and let you know. Detlof, get used to wait mode. Hopefully what I have to report back will make it worth your wait. Mark
My modified 777 arrived Fri night. It's FAR too early to give a detailed impression, and frankly I don't consider myself qualified to do so. I don't have a golden ear and my vernacular is sorely lacking in describing what I hear. But I can tell you if I like it or not, and why.Right out of the box it is a tad bright and tight, expected, given all the new parts and soldering etc. In the time it's taken to do the mod, seemingly years, I've been listening to a phenomenal transport/DAC combo that was far better to my ear than the stock 777. Even on SACD. And better than other units I've had in my system including upsamplers/dacs such as dCS. Right out of the box, the modified 777 is at the very least competetive with this combo in direct A/B comparisons. At the very least. I'm pleasantly surprised, and my expectations were high. I'll elaborate to the best of my ability after I give it some time. And to reiterate, this is not my only front end, and in fact not my only digital front end, so I have nothing to prove other than what I think sounds best to me. Placebo schmeebo, if it sounds better or worse, it sounds better or worse. To me.I do have access to stock units and I do plan on comparing them to the mod. But again, my current transport/dac is unequivically better sounding than the stock 777. And right out of the box the mod is at least right there with this combo. You do the math.
Bob would be correct, my present digital front end is a G&D Transport and modified Entec Number Cruncher, both with the latest upgrades. These are top shelf units which thus far have been the best I've had in my system.
I guess to be expected, some rather ignorant and disparaging remarks were made on Audio Asylum, a usually intelligent and cogent forum unfortunately peppered with paroxysms of assininity, regarding the sale of my modded 777. To clarify, this is a top shelf mod by what I experienced as professional and intelligent people, and the sound is extremely good, much better(IMOP) than units in the same price range, including mod costs, and on or nearly on par with most of the much higher priced players I've heard or had in my system. I loved the player, and although the wait seemed interminable, it was well worth it. I put it and most of my gear up for sale for the simple reason that I'm in the midst of getting divorced and a) needed the $$ and b) moved to a much smaller place and don't have a dedicated, large room any longer. So I have basicaly sold off nearly ALL my gear, not just the 777. Anyway, my point isn't to bore you with my personal turmoil, but to squelch the bullshit, reckless statements to the effect that the mod isn't any good and one should refrain from considering it JUST because my unit was up for sale. The inane nature of such thinking is irresponsible at best. Whether or not the mod is worth the cost is another issue altogether, that's subjective depending on ones price point, I have no problem with that. But to make blanket statements denigrating a product or the people who who modded it, after making the incredibly ignorant leap of "it's for sale, ergo must be no good", is nonsense, and the product of shallow thinking. The gentleman I sold it to ( Oh yea, I forgot, somehow in the midst of my idiocy I managed to sell it at about what I asked) is happy as hell with it, and loves the sound better than the higher priced player he sold to buy it. So, Detlof and those who have or are considering the Audience mod, it's well worth it, and, if you have the pecunia, I highly recommend it. Divorce on the other hand.............