Scansonic mb serie

Does anyone listen MB serie from Scansonic ?
What about the raidho DNA ?
Does thoses speakers sound like a real raidho ?

Showing 20 responses by murgeshj

Hi All,
I too brought the Scansonic MB2.5, the bass is boomy already 30hrs+, thought of giving it back to seller, however after the going through this thread, I am thinking to burn it for few weeks to check if the sound improves, if not it is going back to seller.

and also it doesn't work close to the walls, only can hear the bass, no mids, highs, it is seems clouds of bass and mid, highs are peeking through the clouds.
HI Jjue, thanks.
I realized, something wrong with my setting and amplification
My room is 25'(L)x12'(W)x10'(H)
As suggested, the room treatment need to be done and the amplification need to be considered

Today's update..
Due to impatience, I took the speakers to seller and asked him to demonstrate with other Tube amplifiers and the seller happily demonstrated with many Melody/Cayin tube integrates and IMO the Melody 2a3 single push pull was of my liking, the bass was under control, highs were smooth and tons of details(forgive me for the explanations).

details about the amp..

Thanks for the help
Still the Mb2.5 have the bass boom after 90 hrs, and I have limitations of space to place them 9feet apart.
And unfortunately I ditched my beloved Totem model 1.
Hopefully get better and MB2.5 are not as reveling as Model 1.
Using with Spec amplification, had driven the totem comfortably and delear confirmed that spec comfortably the PMC's Fact series..
09-24-15: Jjue
Have you tried putting bass traps on the corners?
Hi Jjue,
I didn't try anything other than the keeping clothes under the bottom ports, however not blocking the air movement.
it does help to tame the bass boom, though can't eliminate to zero level.
I did hear mine MB2.5 with Avik-300, even with that I experienced the boom with all type of room treatment(in dealer,s setup), however to my surprise the MB3.5 had better sound than 2.5 in the bass and overall, maybe because the height of mb3.5 it could have the controlled the bass resonance better, by the way does it have the bottom port?
I realize the Bass has smoothen a bit, still long way to go.
I read in some forum, MB series need upto 2000hrs to sound the best and to moderate level below 500hrs, are those numbers true?
I realize the Bass has smoothen a bit, still long way to go.
I am planning to get the grass wool and stuff it inside, not sure whether it is good idea?

I read in some forum, MB series need upto 2000hrs to sound the best and to moderate level below 500hrs, are those numbers true?
Our cases are similar, difference is the electronics.
the MB2.5 crossed 120hrs, and the bass considerably improved, which helped other frequencies to emerge and it is listenable now, out of box the sound was nightmare.
I was even planning to return the speakers to dealer and get whatever refund the store can offer, however the good people in the forums helped me to stick to the speaker and will wait till the burn-in is complete(500hrs), however the from this point we can expect only good sound to come.
without the foam is still the bass has the booming effect, with the foam the bass is tight and focused.
however the sound has matured a lot now.
I figured out that there is no much changes on the SQ from past few weeks..
already 300hrs on MB2.5, should I conclude the run in is done, however the foam is still intact under the bass port(without the foam the bass is bit of booming).
the MB2.5 is easy going speakers, any type of music is listenable, with smoothness.
Hi Xti16, I knew that Xti16 and OctaDyn_Dude are same person, no wonder the praise for the Raidho have the similarities on both forums, thanks for the details.
No, I read in some other forum about the burn in period, I don't remember which fourm, the post was under pioneer_guy, anyhow the bass is started showing some improvements.
Still I don't see the vocal coming out clear, still the midrange is muddy, especially the vocal as if I am hearing from neighboring house(I changed my Chinese 300b to Spec RSA-717ex worth USD4K. thinking that the 300b doesn’t have enough power to drive the MB2.5), still the outcome is same.
And unfortunately I made quick decision to sell my Totem Model'1', sounded neutral and MB2.5 sounds bit of warm and with limited range of sweetpot.

Waiting with crossed fingers to have some improvements on the sound.
yesterday, I heard the ablum Norwegian Mood - Kari Bremnes, never heard the clarity and life like voice on the MB2.5 paired with the 300B tube integrate..

I heard same album in audio shop with no deditcated room through ALLNIC AUDIO T-1500 and Grand Veena BE Loudspeaker, had a great synergy, compared to above set MB2.5 had better clarity and timing, however the Grand veena felt more natural..
My ears are not so prefect to identify the difference on the cables or may I am not such an expert, however the major difference what my ears can identify is on the speakers, amplifier and finally on the source.
I have never used any expensive cables, the most expensive ones what I have used is USD250(may be the only the expensive ones can make the difference, )
How to decide which cable is good for the system, whether it should be based on the speaker or based on the amplifiers?
However I want to invest on the Ansuz cables, but not right now.
I want to get the speakers settled properly, then will make the decisions, till then let the suggestion and experience can be shared.....
Hit the 400 hrs burn in mark onto MB2.5, the sound is relaxed and still plenty of details with magic of life-like sound.

When compared to Totem Model'1', the MB2.5 sounds more relaxed, better bass(off course it should sound better being Floor standing), high's have some smooth presentation without loosing the details, however Model'1', has the mid-range presentation a fraction better.

Initially, was worried on the bass booming effect, after few suggestions from Audiogon members, placed foam under the bass ports, which tamed the bass booming, making the MB2.5 worth Buy..
Thanks all

People looking for floor-standing, with small footprints, can have the audition the MB2.5, however please note that, as advised by other MB2.5 owners, MB2.5 need to be placed about 8-9feets from each other to sound best.
I agree with above post, I sold mine 2.5 within 10 months of purchase.
Whatever I did the ’boominess’ never want go, however once plugged in the foam into the port, the effect got reduced, scarifying the dynamic.
Never had such audio purchase went wrong, yes in my previous post I raved about the laid back sound, reliazed after brought the speakers Triangle Gaia Ez I was so wrong.

And in one of the shows in Bangkok the Raidho D5.1 had similar kind of effect on bass, its just my opinion
jjue, I am glad you have sticked to 2.5, minus 'boominess' the speakers are not bad.
Jjue, it is nice to hear that you have seen my videos in Youtube, you should be correct, in the showroom(acoustically treated) 2.5 was sounding wonderful and in the home it was different animal.
I have ever used Kef, want to try Harbeth not very soon and also eyeing on Monitor audio.

I do have ATC scm7, it is nice sounding speaker, have it in bedroom, looking for CD player, paired with Spec rsa-717
I seen in different  forums complaining about the reliability on the Rega-R CD player, considering the Rega DAC-r instead, last week-end I heard CEC TL-51XZ and Moon cd.5 both were used, CEC was way better to my taste, tons of detail with smooth presentation, however the combination with ATC might be too analytical.
I heard the MB-6 at dealer it had some bass boom, powered with Avaik electronics