Scams abound

Hello all,

I was just wondering if anyone else has seen the recent seemingly scam ads posted lately. There have been many recent for sale ads that seem to be too good to be true. Thankfully, it seems the fact checkers here suspend these ads pretty quick. They seem to be targeting mostly McIntosh and mark levinson products. These ads are posted by users who seem to have just joined Audiogon and have zero feedback. Just curious if others have noticed these ads.

Happy listening!


Showing 1 response by steveashe

I'm very good at spotting scams, very tech saavy.  The volume of scammers seems to have increased over the past few months.  You MUST do your due diligence or there is a good chance you're gonna get screwed.  Ask as many questions as reasonable, get phone numbers to discuss, etc.  Check references.  

I'm selling a pair of speakers now and just for kicks I put them on my local craiglist yesterday.  Within 10 minutes I had two scammers - both well worded messages to me.  I asked for phone numbers of both, for a quick chat, and neither responded again.  

More than ever - be careful out there!  If you're not comfortable, don't do it.  

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