Scams abound

Hello all,

I was just wondering if anyone else has seen the recent seemingly scam ads posted lately. There have been many recent for sale ads that seem to be too good to be true. Thankfully, it seems the fact checkers here suspend these ads pretty quick. They seem to be targeting mostly McIntosh and mark levinson products. These ads are posted by users who seem to have just joined Audiogon and have zero feedback. Just curious if others have noticed these ads.

Happy listening!


Showing 1 response by reubent

I don't peruse the classifieds as much as I once did. However, I see many scams in every internet sales channel I look at. Try looking for an apartment on Craigslist! I'm a small landlord and I've had my Craigslist classified ads hijacked by scammers on more than one occasion.

Scammers are everywhere. Do your diligence before sending funds to anyone. ANYONE! 

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