Say it ain't so...

Went into a Best Buy today and came across a section called "Magnolia". It was a "Home Theater" department. They had Definitive Technology, Martin Logan, Boston Acoustics, REL, Denon, and a few other brands generally associated with HiFi Buys/Tweeter or better audio stores.
How about that...
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Showing 1 response by reubent

"It ain't so".

OK, there I said it. However, that doesn't change anything! This is old, old news. Magnolia has been around in Best Buy for quite a while in some markets. It isn't here in Cincinnati yet, but it's probably just a matter of time.

Of course, like most things, there are pros and cons to having a "high-end" store in Best Buy. The pro is that it may introduce a completely new audience to "high-end". The con is that it may cause the Walmart syndrome and kill off all of the smaller dealers in your town.