Satisfaction Guarenteed?

How many of us are seeking intellectual and spiritual satisfaction through our involvment in audio? It seems to me that a lot of people enjoy being in a constant state of dissatisfation. Is this type of involvment the "sport" of our hobby or just part of the process of seeking long term happiness that many people have to go through? Got any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by jmora

Hats off to Garfish, the pusuit of musical enjoyment is truly one of the most intensely personal undertakings with which we could possibly involve our selves. This is so because no one of us experiences music in quite the same way. None of us can possibly be turned on by exactly the same musical qualities. It therefore follows that no two of us will approach our audio systems in the same manner. As long as we never lose sight of the fact that our goal is the manifestation of our own personal musical vision in our homes, we will ultimately reach musical satisfaction. The means of that satisfaction may change as our lives change, but it is the pursuit of musical and yes spirtual and even intellectual satisfaction that checks our restlessness. Onhwy61 stated the truth quite plainly, "Stop worrying about the sound, relax and listen to the music."